Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Business requirements and priorities are changing faster, and so changing the strategies of online marketing process. Simply, the search engine optimization application merely cannot bring your business the right outcome. One single wrong marketing move can put you and your business far away from the reach of the potential online clients. And, you cannot afford this at all.

Fortunately enough, Alowin Technologies is here with a unique formulation for enhancing your business probabilities on the Internet. Our latest combination of services, known as Digi Mix, is an amalgam of the most effective processes of digital marketing. These three are Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization (SMO).

Most of these services of Digi Mix have their own significance, and they work on their own. The best thing about these services is that Google Algorithms for promotions accept them, and the results are acceptable to Google, the most powerful search engine where most of the businesses wish to get them and their services listed. SEO promotes the website on the search engines using the most competitive keywords that are found out through the process of keyword research.


SMO provides a positive exposure to the websites on the leading social media channels. The processes ensure that your website, its services and products are launched on the leading social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. The positive outcomes are just a matter of time.


SEO ( Search Engine Optimization )

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most important part of digital marketing procedures. This service targets promoting the website and the services and products on the Internet organically with the help of the targeted keywords. These keywords are found out with the help of extensive keyword research that the SEO expert conduct. Selection of the most competitive keywords is a tough task, and it requires extensive knowledge and experience.

The main task of search engine optimization is to enhance the visibility of the websites along with the services and products they offer. Usually, search engine optimizers break down this service into two parts, namely On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO. Both these branches of SEO have their own processes, and they are required to be handled simultaneously. Our digital marketing experts are extremely efficient in both processes, and that guarantees assured benefits to all our clients.

On-Page SEO makes use of a web page that consists of HTML code, and textual and visual images for the promotions. On the other hand, the Off-Page SEO targets at creating backlinks that import the visitors to the various service pages of the websites.

The SEO services include the following applications:

  • Initial Review and Analysis
  • Keyword Research and Analysis
  • Content Writing
  • Link Development

Our team of Digital Marketing consists of versatile search engine optimizer, Internet Marketers, and above all Content Developers. The entire team has an average experience of more than 4 years, so you can easily estimate the versatility of this team when it comes to bringing the best results for your online marketing initiatives. With us, you can always expect the best return on investment.


SMO ( Social Media Optimization )

The phenomenal success of the social media channels has been the chief reason for the popularity of this service. These social media channels include names like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and many more. The main reason of Social Media Optimization (SMO) is to optimize the websites along with its services and products on these leading social media communities and outlets. Right from creating company profile and launching their fan pages on these channels, the SMO experts do everything needed to popularize the websites on these social media websites.

The main target of SMO is to increase visibility of the links of the targeted websites on these communities. The SMO experts try their best to make the subscribers either like those pages or share them through their own user profiles. Each like and share increase the number of links of the websites that work as the backlinks to the main website. These backlinks are very strong, and contribute a lot for popularizing the websites on the social media outlets.


Local Promotion

Very similar to the Google Local Listing (GLL), this service is a very special initiative from Alowin Technologies. This service is gaining popularity due to the fact that it offers some great advantages to the business owners. They can get their business listed to the local business directories as per their own needs. Alowin Local Promotion targets at putting the websites on the business directories just as an effort to make the businesses readily available to the probable customers.

Alowin  Local Promotion has shown its expertise with this service as the websites of many of our clients have got the top spots on these listings. It is certainly an advantage for them as that brings them more visitors with a strong conversion rate into potential customers. We offer this service at a very competitive cost so that more and more customers get the services easily without spending much from their wallet.


ORM ( Online Reputation Management )

Breaking the reputation of the competitor companies has been becoming as a popular trend these days. Though this does nothing good to the rivals, but it does substantial harm to the target website as it starts losing customers at a faster rate. No business can bear this loss at all. To counter this negative promotions, the search engine optimization services have included online reputation management.

The importance of online reputation management has increased manifold these days because of the fact that the negative promotions cannot be deleted from their positions. However, they can be made less effective by reducing their visibility from their place. This is possible with online reputation management. By posting positive reviews of the products, services and other aspects of the company on a regular basis, the negative reviews can be put out of the reach of the visitors. At Alowin Technologies, we have been highly successful with this approach, and it has done relatively good for the website and business owners.

Is your business interest is hampered with the negative posts? If so, then Alowin Technologies has the right solutions for this problem. Overcome this with confidence at a manageable cost. Get in touch with us today!


Video Marketing

The internet is populated heavily with loads of websites that cater high-quality videos promoting various customer services and products. As per the available statistics, more than 68% of buyers of electronic products watch related videos on YouTube and other websites to find out the truth behind the claims made by the manufacturers and marketers of those products. As per an estimate, more than 80% of business owners have accepted the effectiveness on increasing their Return on Investment (ROI).

Keeping faith in those statistics, popularity of video marketing is increasing very rapidly as a very effective practice of promoting a website and its services. In the opinion of a webmaster, video marketing brings instant popularity to the businesses. The latest Google algorithm for digital marketing accepts videos as an effective tool for promotion of businesses. However, it suggests some stringent rules and regulations for such a marketing strategy as well.

Alowin Technologies has a dedicated team of video marketers who have a very good knowledge about creating and marketing those videos. They are well aware of the Google specifications, and that is why the videos yield positive outcomes in favor of the promotions. If you are willing to add this winning advantage to your promotion, then it is the time to get in touch with us!


Email Marketing

The awareness about electronic mails have reduced the utilities of traditional mailing practices that inevitably included postcards, inland letters and other such things. The increasing number of emails have been under a revolutionary pace as the emails are all set to capture the world’s correspondence methodologies. Whatever be the aftereffects, it is absolutely sure that emails have emerged as the best means of reaching out to the potential customers.

The concept of email marketing is catching momentum these days with increasing number of companies are coming up with great initiative of reaching possible business prospects in the form of either clients or business partners. Usually, the task of sending emails is handled by the back office executives, but the growing volume of such emails has created a need for hiring the best SEO companies for sending bulk emails. There are a large number of companies that offer email marketing services, but most of them do this with tools or software that are often not effective at all.

Alowin Technologies has been here with the best as well as the most trusted email marketing services. We handle the services just to meet the business requirements of the clients. Have an urgent need to reaching more and more potential customers? If so, then reach Alowin Technologies today, and see the difference your decision can bring you!

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